
Configuring Lagotto consists of three steps:

  • Installation (this document)
  • Deployment if you are using Lagotto in a production system
  • Setup

Lagotto is a typical Ruby on Rails web application, using MySQL (or PostgreSQL, see below), Memcached, Redis, Nginx, and Passenger.CouchDB is used to store the data from some external sources, but is not reqquired. Lagotto uses Ruby 2.x and Ruby on Rails 4.x. The application has extensive test coverage using Rspec.

Lagotto is Open Source software licensed with a MIT License, all dependencies (software and libraries) are also Open Source. Because of the background workers that talk to external APIs we recommend at least 1 Gb of RAM, and more if you have a large number of works.


Lagotto requires Ruby 2.x. RVM and Rbenv are Ruby version management tools for installing Ruby, unfortunately they also introduce additional dependencies, making them not the best choices in a production environment. The Chef script below installs Ruby 2.2 using a PPA for Ubuntu, this PPA is also recommended for manual installations on Ubuntu.

Installation Options

  • automated installation via Vagrant/Chef (recommended)
  • manual installation

Hosting Lagotto at a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider such as Heroku or OpenShift is possible, but has not been tested.

Configuration options

Starting with the Lagotto 3.7 release all user-specific configuration options for Rails, as well as for the server configuration and deployment tools Vagrant, Chef and Capistrano are environment variables, and can be stored in a single .env file. You can use multiple .env files, specify the .env file using the DOTENV environment variable, e.g. DOTENV=example for the .env.example example configuration file provided with the application.

More information regarding ENV variables and .env is available here. The following configuration options need to be set:

# Example configuration settings for this application



# database settings

# internal name of server

# public name of server
# can be HOSTNAME, or different if load balancer is used

# all instances of server used behind load balancer
# can be HOSTNAME, or comma-delimited string of HOSTNAME

# name used on navigation bar and in email subject line

# email address for sending emails

# number of background processes

# automatic import via CrossRef API.
# Use 'crossref', 'member', 'sample', 'member_sample', 'datacite', 'dataone', 'plos', or comment out

# keys
# run `rake secret` to generate these keys

# mail settings

# vagrant settings



# user and group who own application repository

# mysql server root password for chef


# authentication via orcid, github, cas or persona




Automated Installation

This is the recommended way to install Lagotto. The required applications and libraries will automatically be installed in a self-contained virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04, using Vagrant and Chef Solo.

The first step is to copy .env.example to .env and to set all variables - reasonable defaults are provided for many of them.

Then download and install Vagrant, and the librarian gem (used to manage Chef cookbooks):

gem install librarian

Vagrant needs three additional plugins and will complain if they are missing. The vagrant-omnibus plugin installs Chef on the VM, the vagrant-librarian-chef plugin manages cookbooks, and the vagrant-bindfs plugin improves the performance of shared folders when using Virtualbox.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef
vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs
vagrant plugin install dotenv
vagrant plugin install vagrant-capistrano-push

The following providers have been tested with Lagotto:

  • Virtualbox
  • VMware Fusion or Workstation
  • Amazon AWS
  • Digital Ocean
  • Rackspace

Virtualbox and VMware are for local installations, e.g. on a developer machine, whereas the other options are for cloud installations. With the exception of Virtualbox you need to install the appropriate Vagrant plugin with these providers, e.g. for AWS:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

The VMware plugin requires a commercial license, all other plugins are freely available as Open Source software.

For Amazon AWS the configuration could look like this:

config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
  # please configure
  aws.access_key_id = ENV['AWS_KEY']
  aws.secret_access_key = ENV['AWS_SECRET']
  aws.keypair_name = ENV['AWS_KEYNAME']
  override.ssh.private_key_path = ENV['AWS_KEYPATH']
  override.vm.hostname = ENV['HOSTNAME']

  aws.security_groups = "default"
  aws.instance_type = "m3.medium"
  aws.ami = "ami-9aaa1cf2"
  aws.region = "us-east-1"
  aws.tags = { Name: 'Vagrant Lagotto' }

  override.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
  override.vm.box_url = ""

  # Custom parameters for the Lagotto recipe
  chef_overrides['lagotto'] = {
    'user' => 'ubuntu',
    'group' => 'ubuntu',
    'provider' => 'aws'

  provision(config, override, chef_overrides)

For Digital Ocean the configuration could look like this:

config.vm.provider :digital_ocean do |provider, override|
  override.vm.hostname = ENV['HOSTNAME']
  provider.token = ENV['DO_PROVIDER_TOKEN']
  provider.size = ENV['DO_SIZE'] || '1GB'
  override.ssh.private_key_path = ENV['PRIVATE_KEY_PATH'] = 'digital_ocean'
  override.vm.box_url = ""
  override.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
  provider.region = 'nyc2'
  provider.image = 'Ubuntu 14.04 x64'

  provision(config, override, chef_overrides)

All user-specific settings are controlled via ENV variables and the .env file.


The Chef cookbooks needed by the Lagotto cookbook are managed by librarian-chef, which was installed in a previous step. The required cookbooks are listed in the Cheffile, and are automatically installed into vendor/cookbooks.


Then install all the required software for Lagotto with:

git clone git://
cd lagotto
vagrant up

This can take up to 15 min, future updates with vagrant provision are of course much faster. To get into in the virtual machine, use ssh and then switch to the directory of the application:

vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/lagotto/current

This uses the private SSH key provided by you in the Vagrantfile (the default insecure key for local installations using Virtualbox is ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key). The vagrant user has sudo privileges. The MySQL password is stored as DB_PASSWORD in the .env file. The database servers can be reached from the virtual machine or via port forwarding. Vagrant syncs the folder on the host containing the checked out Lagotto git repo with the folder /var/www/lagotto/current on the guest.

Manual installation

These instructions assume a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04 and a user with sudo privileges. Installation on other Unix/Linux platforms should be similar, and Lagotto runs on several production systems with RHEL and CentOS.

Add PPAs/repositories to install more recent versions of Ruby and CouchDB, and Nginx/Passenger

We only need one Ruby version and manage gems with bundler, so there is no need to install rvm or rbenv. We optionally want to install the latest CouchDB version from the official PPA (needed for the twitter_search, pmc and f1000 sources), and we want to install Nginx precompiled with Passenger.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 561F9B9CAC40B2F7
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates -y
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties -y

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:couchdb/stable

echo 'deb trusty main' | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

Update package lists

sudo apt-get update

Install Ruby and required packages

Also install the make, curl and git packages, the libmysqlclient-dev library required by the myslq2 gem, and nodejs as Javascript runtime. When running Lagotto on a local machine we also want to install avahi-daemon and libnss-mdnsfor zeroconf networking - this allows us to reach the server at http://lagotto.local.

sudo apt-get install ruby2.2 ruby2.2-dev make curl git libmysqlclient-dev nodejs avahi-daemon libnss-mdns -y

Install databases

sudo apt-get install couchdb mysql-server redis-server -y

Install Memcached

Memcached is used to cache requests (in particular API requests), and the default configuration can be used.

sudo apt-get install memcached -y

Install Postfix

Postfix is used to send reports via email. The configuration is done in the .env file. More information can be found here.

sudo apt-get install postfix -y

Install Nginx with Passenger

sudo apt-get install nginx-full passenger -y

Edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and uncomment passenger_root and passenger_ruby.

Set up Nginx virtual host

Please set server_name if you have set up more than one virtual host. Use passenger_app_env development to use the Rails development environment. Edit the file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default or - if you use multiple hosts - create the file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lagotto.conf with the following contents:

server {
  listen 80 default_server;
  server_name EXAMPLE.ORG;
  root /var/www/lagotto/public;
  access_log /var/log/nginx/lagotto.access.log;
  passenger_enabled on;
  passenger_app_env production;

Install Lagotto code

You may have to set the permissions first, depending on your server setup. Passenger by default is run by the user who owns

mkdir -p /var/www
sudo chmod 755 /var/www
cd /var/www
git clone git://

Install Bundler and Ruby gems required by the application

Bundler is a tool to manage dependencies of Ruby applications:

sudo gem install bundler

cd /var/www/lagotto
bundle install

Install Node, Bower, and npm and bower modules required by the application

Bower is used to install frontend dependencies (Javascript and CSS libraries). Because of permission issues we don't install Bower globally. Bower modules are installed via a npm postinstall hook.

cd /var/www/lagotto/frontend
npm install

Install Lagotto databases

We just setup an empty database for CouchDB (optional). With MySQL we also include all data to get started, including a default user account (DB_USERNAME from your .env file). Use RAILS_ENV=production in your .env file if you set up Passenger to run in the production environment.

It is possible to connect Lagotto to MySQL unning on a different server, please change DB_HOST in your .env file accordingly. We are using the default installation for redis.

cd /var/www/lagotto
rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=production

Restart Nginx

We are making lagotto the default site.

sudo service nginx restart

You can now access the Lagotto application with your web browser at the name or IP address of your Ubuntu installation.

Using PostgreSQL instead of MySQL

The instructions above are for using MySQL, but Lagotto can also be installed with PostgreSQL. Change the database adapter in config/database.yml to use PostgreSQL by adding DB=postgres to your .env file.

mysql: &mysql
  adapter: mysql2

postgresql: &postgres
  adapter: postgresql
  pool: 10
  min_messages: ERROR

defaults: &defaults
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000
  database: <%= ENV['DB_NAME'] %>
  username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'] %>
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] %>
  host: <%= ENV['DB_HOST'] %>

  <<: *<%= ENV['DB'] || "mysql" %>

  <<: *defaults

    <<: *defaults

    <<: *defaults

Make sure the pg gem is included in your Gemfile and you have installed Postgres and the required libraries with

sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev -y

Running Lagotto on multiple servers

Lagotto was developed to run on a single server, but most components scale to multiple servers. When running Lagotto on multiple servers, make sure that:

  • the name of load balancer is set as SERVERNAME in .env
  • memcached should be set up as a cluster by adding a MEMCACHE_SERVERS comma-separated list with all Lagotto servers behind the load balancer to .env, e.g.,
  • workers should run on only one server, e.g. the server with the capistrano :db role
  • database maintenance rake tasks should run on only one server, capistrano defaults to install the cron jobs only for the :db role.
  • mail services (sending emails) should run on only one server. They are part of the database maintenance tasks, so by default run only on the server with the :db role.